Be Safe, Be Smart On A Long-Distance Road Trip

Whether you’re traveling alone, with a buddy or with your spouse and a car full of kids, there are few things more “American” than the long-distance road trip. Countless vacation travelers will drive the highways looking for fun and making memories with every mile. If traveling down the “holiday road” is in your plans, take the time to prepare for your trip. You’ll have a more enjoyable vacation if you plan carefully. Here are a few driving tips:file0001973917428

1) Maintain your car. Make sure your vehicle is up to date on its maintenance schedule, and be sure to check the battery and tires.

2) Plan your trip and know where you’re going. Call ahead for proper and safe directions to get you to your destination safely and have maps of the area on hand to help you navigate once you are off the main road. This is made easier in today’s world with the amount of technology that has GPS capabilities. You’re more likely to make good decisions, even in dangerous situations, if you’re clearheaded and know where you’re going.

3) Be alert. Seems obvious, but driver inattention is surely the cause of a lot of accidents. If you stay focused behind the wheel and plan carefully, you will have a wonderful summer road trip.

4) Take precaution with a cell phone. Cell phones can be a lifesaver when you need immediate access to emergency services after an accident. Keep your phone within easy reach and get to know its features. However, use it prudently. Do not use your phone to talk or text while driving.

5) Wear your seat belt. Whether or not it’s required by law in the state through which you’re driving, always wear your seat belt as a safety precaution.

6) Protect your car against theft. Help deter criminals from taking your car with steering wheel locks, switches that disable fuel or ignition systems, and electronic tracking devices.

7) If you’re in an accident, taking immediate action can protect your family and your car from further damage. Stop immediately and make sure your car is not blocking traffic. Turn off your car to keep it from overheating or catching fire. Warn oncoming cars using road flares or orange triangle reflectors. After you have protected yourself and your family, call your insurance company immediately.

8) Make sure re on the road and far from home.

An independent insurance agent or broker can provide the personal service and advice you need to travel in confidence. To learn more about what else we can offer, give us a call at 516-484-5200.


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Insurance Tips for First-Time Home Buyers

When buying a home for the first-time, there is a lot to know when it comes to homeowners insurance. Here are some tips for those first-timers that you may not know:

Find out what it would cost to rebuild your home in the same location, with comparable construction materials, in the event of a complete loss. Your standard homeowner’s insurance policy should be covering these expenses in the event of this happening to you. This is something many first time home buyers do not know.

Natural disasters are not typically covered on a standard homeowner’s policy. There are many supplemental types of coverage for your home, including but not limited to: flood coverage, earthquake coverage, and sewer backup coverage. Depending on where you live, these may be coverage you should look into getting. Also, if you live in an area where hurricanes are likely, see if your policy has a hurricane deductible.

If you work at home or have a business that you run out of your home, you should be aware that most policies provide minimal property and liability coverage for businesses, so you may need to add more 1317356_64363357to your homeowner’s policy. Your typical policy probably wouldn’t include the most likely causes of damage to computers, like drops and spills, so look to see if you need more coverage.

Most valuables are not included in your coverage on a normal policy. Valuables such as musical instruments (name-brand guitars), collectibles (baseball cards, antiques, old comic books), and jewelry (engagement and wedding rings, heirlooms) need extra coverage.

Liability coverage could be important to your policy. If someone were to get injured on your property, this insurance would help cover the costs in the event of legal recourse. So if you have a swimming pool or something recreational on your property where someone could get hurt, look into getting liability coverage.

One of the most important tips is to get quotes from multiple insurance companies. With our agency being independent, we can try to get you the best coverage for what you need at the best price by looking all over the market for you. So call us at 516-484-5200 if you have a new home that needs coverage.

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Cyber Liability Insurance


Data breaches are becoming increasing likely for large and small businesses alike, as evidenced by the recent large-scale information breaches you may have seen on the news for companies like Target and Michaels. But small businesses are likely to get hit as well. Symantec, one of the global leaders in information protection, recently surveyed and discovered that 30 percent of all cyber-attacks were targeted at small businesses. These small businesses are seen as easier targets and a way for these hackers and data attackers to make their way to bigger amounts of data, especially when small businesses often supply information to the larger companies.

Most computer security professionals would tend to agree that there is no 100% foolproof way to completely stop these cyber criminals from getting into any system. And the average cost for fixing a breach, according to the Ponemon Institute, can easily drain millions of dollars from you and your business. So how can you truly protect yourself? Did you know that most insurance companies today actually provide policies that protect against these types of attacks?

A cyber liability policy goes a long way in protecting your business, as it can cover a range of claims that would result from a cyber attack on your business’ system. If personal or confidential information is compromised, whether it is for a business or an individual, you would be covered for a claim related to identity theft or even unauthorized access to such information. If a breach results in your business being unable to render their normal services for clients, you would be covered for a claim.

In addition to coverage against claims, a cyber liability policy covers even more, including first party costs for a range of different expenses. Costs for recovering damaged or deleted data would be covered. Business interruption losses and extra expenses that wouldn’t be covered by a normal property policy would be covered as well, since normal property policies don’t protect against cyber attacks since they result in no physical damage. Even extortion payments in the event of a ransom threat would be covered by a policy.

There is an increasing number of insurance carriers that are writing these policies, with more than 30 carriers offering their services in cyber protection. These policies can cover first-party and/or third-party losses, and they also could possibly be added on to an existing liability policy at a lower cost. So if you feel like you may have confidential information that could be at risk, and you want to feel safer with some protection in place, call us at 516-484-5200 to talk about the possibilities with us.

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Three Tips To Help Your Vacation Get Off To A Worry-Free Start

With vacation season almost here, you may be in the process of planning an annual getaway. While most people spend lots of time looking for ways to maximize their budget, one costly decision is often left to the last minute—whether to buy the optional insurance offered by a rental car company.

“Deciding whether to buy ‘damage waivers’ or insurance at the rental car counter can be a confusing experience—especially if you don’t know if you’re already covered by your personal auto insurance policy,” said Rick Crawley of the Progressive Group of Insurance Companies. “Optional rental car insurance can cost between $7 and $25 per day, depending on the rental car company, vehicle make and model and type of waiver. Those daily charges can significantly add to the cost of your rental.”

Follow these three tips to help you decide whether or not you should buy the coverage:

1. Consult with an independent insurance agency – like us. As licensed insurance professionals, independent insurance agents and brokers can review and evaluate your policies to find out if the coverage you have on your personal vehicle provides protection for you in a rental car.

2. Check with your credit card company. Some credit card companies provide coverage at no charge if you use their card to charge the cost of the rental. However, some restrictions may apply so be sure to ask for a description of the exact coverages provided.

3. Take your personal auto insurance policy and details of your coverages with you to the rental car counter. You may be asked a question that these papers can help answer—or, if you’re in doubt, you’ll have your agent’s name and phone number readily available. “We want people to have the information they need to make more informed decisions about car insurance,” said Crawley.

“Knowing whether you need to buy additional coverage can save you money and give you peace of mind so you can enjoy your vacation. Don’t start off your trip questioning your decisions—take control by talking with your independent agent or broker and knowing the answers to those inevitable questions.”

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Trusted Choice!

We are proud to announce that Curran Cooney Penny Agency is now a certified agent of Trusted Choice! Trusted Choice is a brand created for members of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, or IIABA, to help consumers understand how valuable it is to have an independent insurance agent. All Trusted Choice insurance agents are independent agents who, since they represent multiple insurance companies, have the ability to offer a large variety of different coverage options in order to better suit your specific needs when it comes to insurance. is a very useful site that enables potential consumers who are looking to shop for insurance everything they need in one place. In addition to presenting education on all the different possibilities of insurance that you may be looking for to help fill your coverage needs, the site also allows you to receive fast quotes online! After filling out a small amount of questions, the site will give you multiple real-time rate quotes based on the coverage you are looking for. And then after reviewing them, it gives you a quick way to instantly contact our agency. Doing so will send us all your information you filled out, allowing us to review it and quickly aid you with whatever insurance needs you may have.

Trusted Choice also offers much more information, including blog posts and miscellaneous informational pages to help you better understand what insurance you need. So visit them at to research insurance information and to see how effortless it is to get a quick and easy rate quote.

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