Shedding Light On Car Insurance Savings

It can be easier than you think to put the brakes on high 6808726_sauto insurance rates – as an independent agency, Curran Cooney Penny Agency can help! We can review your policy and possibly help you find a variety of illuminating ways to save money. Here are some things you may want to consider:

• Ask us to check several companies’ rates. This is the single most important thing you can do to get the best possible rate—and we can do it for you quickly and easily. The difference between the highest and lowest rate available to you from different companies could vary by hundreds of dollars.

• Reduce or drop physical damage coverage on an older car. Depending on your car’s age and where you live, comprehensive and collision coverage may not be worth keeping. We can give you advice on whether it makes sense to reduce or drop this coverage altogether.

• Raise your deductible. According to the Insurance Information Institute, raising your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce your collision and comprehensive cost by 15 to 30 percent. In addition, because the average driver files a collision claim only once every ten years, odds are that over the lifetime of your car, a higher deductible will save you money. We can show you how raising your deductible will lower your premium.

• Look for discounts. Many insurance companies reduce premiums for certain driver traits or car features. For example: being a homeowner for more than three years, nonsmoker, nondrinker, students with good grades, senior citizens who have taken an approved defensive driving course, people who only drive for pleasure, cars kept in garages, antilock brakes, antitheft devices, air bags, etc. Ask us to check.

• Don’t assume having your car and home insured by the same company is the best option. Because auto insurance rates vary so much from company to company, it may make sense for you to have your car and home insured by separate companies. Let’s talk about it.

To learn more about all we can offer, call us at 516-484-5200.

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Need great coverage for an affordable price? We are pleased to announce, uticaUtica has it! Utica recently announced a decrease in their rate quotes, providing much more affordable insurance. Along with the decrease in rates, Utica has also announced its new campaign “UTICA HAS IT!” which includes a variety of new special features. Some of these unique features are accident forgiveness, vanishing deductible (the higher the claim amount, the lower the deductible), identity recovery coverage, free pet injury coverage (up to $750 of coverage if a cat or dog is injured while in a covered vehicle), and the list goes on. Take advantage of Utica’s new features by giving us a call for a quote.

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Benefits of the NY Defensive Driving Course

A New York DMV-approved Point and Insurance Reduction Program, more commonly referr1324052_74547448ed to as defensive driving, is a popular credit which many don’t take full advantage of. Not only does completing the defensive driving course reduce your record up to four violation points occurred by traffic violations, but it also provides you with a 10% rate reduction on your insurance for three years. That discount will be applied to your current policy, with no hassle. You may not think of it as much, but three years of a discount really adds up. Defensive driving courses are also available at most local libraries and even online. Completing the course has become so easy, there’s really no reason why anyone should not be receiving this credit. Members of AARP can even take this course for a reduced price. For more information, call 1-877-689-0674, or visit the link below.

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Why should I elect to have roadside assistance?


When purchasing car insurance, there are so many different types of coverage available. For a low cost, all auto insurance companies offer road side assistance, which is very important to have. What will this cover? Why is it important? When you’re driving, you don’t plan on any mishaps occurring on your route. No one really says, “Hey I hope I run out of gas or get a flat tire on my way to work.” These are all things roadside assistance will cover and more! Roadside assistance coverage does vary from company to company, but typically it will cover situations like towing to the nearest repair facility, minor labor, flat tires, keys being accidentally locked in the vehicle, running out of gas, etc. This is a very inexpensive coverage for such a worthy cause. Next time you are reviewing your auto policy, make sure you see roadside assistance listed as a coverage or call us for a quote to add it onto your policy.

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Who should have flood insurance?


EVERYONE! Just because you don’t live near the water does not mean you shouldn’t have flood insurance. In fact, everyone should have a flood policy in case mother nature decides to strike. What many don’t know is, home insurance typically does not cover natural disaster floods. Take Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Irene as primary examples as to why flood insurance is necessary. Many homes and other valuables including cars were destroyed by these hurricanes. If damages to homes occurred without the proper flood policy, there is a chance your home would not receive the adequate reimbursement for damages. Those who do not live in high risk flood zones, are lucky because these policies are rather inexpensive and can really benefit you in the case of an emergency. Call us now to for a quote and to determine whether or not you live in a high risk flood zone.

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