Tis the season for boating!

file000296107544The peak boating season starts now through July and it’s important to have your watercraft properly insured. In fact, more motorcycles are insured than boats. But how is this possible? A lot of people don’t realize the importance in having insurance for boats.


Boat benefits can range from no depreciation/deduction for betterment, disappearing deductibles in the event of claims, coverage for consequential damage, wreckage removal, mechanical breakdown, and more. A specialized boat policy also could cover things like the cost to replace lost or damaged fishing gear, as well as costly services such as emergency on-water towing and fuel-spill cleanup. 


Progressive offers all of these benefits and more including accident forgiveness, roadside assistance, and no surveys are required. Progressive currently insures over one million watercrafts offering a variety of boats to be insured, as well as a large range of coverages and special endorsements. If you already have a policy with Progressive and you’re interested in a boat policy, you are entitled to a multi policy discount which could be a huge savings.


Imagine having your motor blow out on the water- what would you do? Call us now at 516-484-5200 for a quote, so you don’t have to worry about incidents like these.

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Disability Insurance Awareness Month

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. There are more than 30 million people in the United States between the ages of 21 and 64 who are disabled, according to the U.S. Census. The Council for Disability Awareness (CDA) works with the nonprofit organization Life Happens this month in order to educate the public about the risk of disability and the importance of planning ahead to protect your income in the event of a disability.

A study done by the CDA shows that many employees believe that they only have a 1% infographic_1in4chance of becoming disabled for a period of at least three months. However, the truth is 1 of every 4 of today’s youth entering the workforce is likely to become disabled before they retire, according to the U.S. Social Security Administration.

The Council has found that only 38% of employees fully understand their employer’s disability plans, while 48% said they didn’t have enough information to make a smart decision about purchasing disability insurance. This results in 69% of private sector workers having no long-term disability insurance. On top of that, over 100 million workers do not have private disability income insurance.

While most people are able to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provided they paid a proper amount of FICA tax over the years, it is difficult to be eligible.  65% of initial SSDI claims are denied, in addition to it being a long process and the average monthly payout not being very high. Instead of having to rely on SSDI, many companies provide their employees with sick leave and short-term disability in order to aid their employees with a short-term illness or injury. Some even have long-term disability insurance that would potentially replace a percentage of your wages for an extended amount of time.

One thing many people do not realize is the financial burden that can be caused by a long-term disability. A CDA Employer Disability Awareness Study showed that 65% of working Americans would not be able to cover their living expenses for more than a year if they lost their usual income. 48% of American families don’t even save any of their annual income. 33% of Americans don’t have a retirement plan. At the same time, the average length of a long-term disability claim in 2.6 years. That leaves the possibility of economic uncertainty.

Most people think that the most likely cause for a new long-term disability claim is an accident on the job, claims_pie2012but that is not the case. Injuries and accidents are actually only the third most likely cause, as of 2012. So Worker’s Compensation often will not help with a  long-term disability. Muscle or bone disorders, such as arthritis, a herniated disk, back pain, or spinal/joint disorders are the most common cause for a new claim. But there are many other causes, such as cancer, mental disorders like depression or substance abuse, or even cardiovascular issues like hypertension or heart disease. Another cause that is becoming increasingly more likely for long-term disability among women is pregnancy.

America’s Disability Counter (http://www.disabilitycounter.org) shows that approximately every 7 seconds, a new working-age American will experience a disabling injury or illness. The CDA offers a wealth of information and resources, ranging from financial planning to help reducing your chances of becoming disabled, as well as the studies that resulted in all the statistics above. Visit http://www.disabilitycanhappen.org to learn more. And call us at 516-484-5200 to see if you may need extra coverage in order to protect yourself.

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How to Save on Commercial Auto Insurance in the Off-Season

Ever mowed a lawn in January? Or plowed a snowy driveway on a hot July day? If you own and operate a seasonal business, chances are you aren’t working in the off-season, so the insurance you carry should be different than what you carry in-season.

Leading commercial auto insurers like Progressive offer seasonal insurance for businesses like landscapers, snowplow drivers, ice cream truck owners, and more. These coverages allow you to customize your commercial auto insurance based on when your business is running on all cylinders — and when it’s not.

Progressive offers these tips for getting the most out of your policy in the off-season:

  • If your vehicle will be parked during the 1359178_25220448off-season, you may think you should cancel that vehicle’s insurance during that time. But if you’d like to protect your vehicle and still save a little money, just switch your insurance to a Comprehensive-only policy. This will give you basic protection against incidents like vandalism, theft, falling tree branches and hail.
  • A Comprehensive-only policy also gives you the bonus of having continuous insurance coverage. If you drop your insurance completely, you may pay significantly more to get a new policy when in-season rolls around because most insurance companies want to see proof of continuous coverage.
  • If you plan to drive your work truck or other vehicles for personal use during the off-season, let your insurance carrier know. They can adjust your policy to reflect personal use, which can be less expensive while still providing coverage.

Call us today at 516-484-5200 to learn more.

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Heavy Rain is no fun with water damage

A hurricane appearing on a radar

The recent heavy rain has become more of a burden than we realize. Discovering water damage is definitely not fun. This is why many need to take the necessary steps and precautions to insure themselves adequately in the event of nature. Making sure you have a flood policy in place to cover yourself when storms and heavy rains occurs is essential. Homeowner’s policies do not cover flood damage, so the supplemental policy is needed to protect yourself and your property. Preparation beforehand is important as well, like keeping gutters and drains clear of debris in order to prevent blockages.

Sewer backup is also a problem that can arise from these large storms. When large amounts of precipitation occur, it can overwhelm your sewage system, causing raw sewage to flow through your drains. This can cause a major headache, not to mention possibly massive damage to your property. The problem with sewer backup is most of these systems are not covered under a typical homeowners policy, nor is it covered by flood insurance. Make sure you have sewer backup coverage in addition to your other policies so you can make sure you’re safe if these problems happen to you.

Call us today at 516-484-5200 to learn more about protecting your property and yourself from these disasters.

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Sinking Boat Insurance Myths

You don’t believe in the Loch Ness Monster. You don’t believe your friend caught Jaws fishing off the Florida coast. So why do most boaters believe boat insurance covers them wherever they go?

Progressive surveyed more than 1,000 boat owners. It uncovered a few insurance myths floating around. Here’s a sample of the findings and the facts behind each:

Myth: Everyone pays more for insurance because of the hurricanes from a couple of years ago.

Reality: Even though it’s believed by 74 percent of respondents, it isn’t true. Boat insurers generally price policies based on claims in each state. For example, Ohio customers won’t pay more for insurance because of hurricanes in Florida.


Myth: Boat insurance covers me anywhere I decide to go boating.

Reality: Seventy-six percent of respondents believed this one. The reality is some insurers only provide coverage where the boat is used most. Insurers may limit coverage to 100 nautical miles of your home port. Progressive provides coverage virtually anywhere you decide to go in the continental U.S. and Canada.

Myth: I’ll get a better insurance rate if I buy from the same company that insures my home or car.

Reality: Buying more than one product from the same insurance company doesn’t mean you get the best rate – even though 45 percent of respondents thought so. Boaters can save by shopping around and combining specialized policies from different companies.

“It’s important to understand what’s available,” said Dominic Mediate of Progressive. “You want to be properly protected in case your boat is stolen, you get into an accident or contents are damaged. We’re separating fact from fiction so boaters can make the best insurance decisions possible.”

To learn more, give us a call at 516-484-5200.

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